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The Corfu Blog

The Electric Man

The Electric Man

Whilst being shown this little house above Paleokastritsa we met the owner, and got talking about this and that, as you do.

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And not a horse in sight

And not a horse in sight

With all the news in the UK at the moment about horse meat finding its way into beefburgers and ready-made lasagne, I find our local butcher's shop very reassuring. 

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Blogging South Corfu

Blogging South Corfu

I am sure that lots of people already read this wonderful blog which is of particular interest to me as it extols the virtues of the area where I live.

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Back in Corfu

Back in Corfu

I am just back in Corfu after nearly two months away and I do always find it a bit of a culture shock.

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Morning Moon

Morning Moon

The clear skies have given us a lovely view of the full moon this last week, and confusingly it has still been there at sunrise.

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Christmas Day!

Christmas Day!

I always get a load of complaints from my kids for taking the same photos every year at the same crucial moments - Presents under the tree, pulling crackers, eating, the cake, etc.

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Coffee and mulled wine in our office

Coffee and mulled wine in our office

On Thursday we celebrated the start of the Christmas season with what is becoming a regular annual event - mulled wine, mince pies, coffee and cup-cakes (didn't they used to be called buns?).

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