The return of the blog, occasional thoughts on Corfu...
Fri, 21st Jun 2019Somehow or other the blog disappeared back in 2017, we never seemed to have time to keep it updated, but now, due to new faces in the company we decided to update. After all life in Corfu still seems slightly at odds with the rest of the real world, but nevertheless always interesting! So in the last 2 years we decided our small office was just too 'cosy' and we moved along the road, just past the very smart new Ikos hotels. We needed more help to cope with the increasing business so we acquired four new helpers (to be introduced in a future blog). Since one of them, Christina is an expert on Paxos property we expanded our programme more into Paxos. And all this with constant questions about Brexit from our UK clients, which obviously absolutely no one could answer either here or there!
So here we are again, jotting down our various thoughts on Corfu, Corfu life, how it affects us and everyone living or visiting here, and of course Corfu properties, we hope you will find it interesting even for the occasional read.