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The fruits of being an estate agent - literally

Thu, 31st Mar 2016

Think being an estate agent in Corfu is a little different from the norm. Often, when we go out on viewings, the owners will send us on our way with all sorts of gifts of whatever is in season. At the moments it's oranges, lemons and cabbages. Soon it will be artichokes while n the summer it's salad stuff (the question would you like some lettuce usually ends up with a bag of six lettuces!)and later in the summer it might be figs, home brewed liqueur or 'spoon sweets' (small fruit preserved in jars and served to you on a spoon). Often we get given cuttings from plants or flowers, or mulberries from the trees in the village, and even more often it's eggs. A couple of weeks ago we were given some local avocados, odd looking and oddly shaped, but delicious.

The other day we left a villa with our Russian clients looking somewhat confused as the gardener handed us two enormous bunches of green bananas and a banana plant. The bananas are currently sitting on the balcony, hopefully ripening in the sun, and we'll see if the plant comes to anything. Life is always interesting!
