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The Corfu Blog

This blog is the result of many years of living in Corfu. When we started the blog back in 2008, we pondered on titles. ‘Real life in Corfu’ was a possibility until someone said they couldn’t think of anywhere further away from real life than Corfu and suggested that maybe it should be called 'Fantasy Island!'

It's certainly true that Corfu seems to have its own set of rules for life, and none of them bear any resemblance to the rest of the world!

So here it is - The Corfu Blog - a hotchpotch of thoughts, articles, business, opinions and photos, for those who are interested in life in Corfu.

Reflections on Life in Corfu

Reflections on Life in Corfu

Sometimes when it seems that most of the world is in the turbulence of one kind or another it feels as if Corfu is still trundling on regardless

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The blog is back!

The blog is back!

Updated corfuhomefinders.com website, lovely new office, expansion into Paxos, new associates and of course, new properties!

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Out and about in Corfu today

Out and about in Corfu today

Following a few days of muggy sandy Saharan sky, we had a short sharp storm yesterday morning which cleared the atmosphere beautifully.

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